Ana Sayfa Windows 3 Aralık 2022 126 Görüntüleme

Windows cannot connect to printer error 0x0000011b windows 7, windows 10-11 > Ngolongtech

You know, every time I run a build for the first time I go through the Theme Selector, then the Tour, and then the Welcome Screen. I just think to myself “this is just a mess” – so in this update I thought I’d focus on improving it and making it better. I started by re-designing the Welcome Screen and doing my best to link all three tools into something that looked visually appealing. Now, in a tabbed interface you’ll find the Setup Tour in the very first tab, Theme Selection in the second, Installation Management in the third, and finally in the fourth the Changelog. Best practice is to turn off WiFi before you power down or reboot.

  • Registry cleaner companies want you to believe that this would result in big performance improvements so you’ll buy their software.
  • But it’s PC-only, hopefully you’re the only user, and it doesn’t compromise the security of your Microsoft account anywhere else.
  • If the shortcut doesn’t work, open it manually by clicking on the shortcut, as shown in the image below.
  • Although other utilities like anti-virus, backup software, disk managers or memory testers can also be useful to you.

For example, a power outage can prevent the registry from saving, or worse, a malware intrusion into the system can take over a computer’s registry. The Windows Registry Editor is a graphical tool in the Microsoft Windows operating system that enables authorized users to view the Windows registry and make changes. If your computer has System Restore enabled, Windows will select the most recent restore point.

What Causes of Error: Windows cannot connect to the printer – Operation failed with error 0x0000011B

Just click a driver file and let the installer guide you through the installation. You might have to extract the driver file from an archive first before you can proceed with the installation. Repeat the process for each downloaded driver file.

From removing duplicate files to registry repair, jv16 PowerTools can do it all. Now just follow the on-screen instructions to fix Windows 10 registry-related errors. The process might take time to complete, but it will definitely fix Windows Registry errors. This is how you can fix registry or corrupted files on your Windows computer by using sfc /scannow command.

Method 2: System file checker to fix broken registry

We are emailed when posts are marked as spam and respond ASAP. Examples include religion, politics, and comments about listing errors . Cleaning the registry isn’t something that most people tend to do, or even need to. But if your computer is being bogged down and appears a little more sluggish than usual, cleaning the registry can be one way of speeding up Windows 11. This is why throughout our guide we have placed special emphasis on reviewing the entries before going about deleting them.


This will create a new .NET Core console application project in Visual Studio 2019. We’ll use this project to work with the Windows event log in the subsequent sections of this article. The events and Event IDs are what you’re trying to find however their usefulness can range from something super specific and obvious to very vague messages that make no sense. Generally we recommend searching for the General description or the Event ID and Source as these usually return the clearest results and usually provide a quick solution. Enter a file name that includes the log type and the server it was exported from.For example, when exporting the Application event log from server named HV01, enter Application_HV01.


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