Ana Sayfa Education 4 Şubat 2021 177 Görüntüleme

Looking for a Remote Job? Its Time to Update Your Résumé

After all, as a remote job seeker, you’re competing with thousands of people from across the globe. The most important keywords include remote work, working remotely, teleworking, location-independent, and work from home. If you scatter these evenly throughout your resume, then they’ll be picked up by the AI screening technology. Of course, it’s also important to make sure your resume reads well to human eyes.

  • The higher your score, the better your chances of getting past the ATS gatekeepers.
  • For more remote job advice, whether you’re job hunting or preparing for your first remote role, check out our Resource Center.
  • They help a human reader quickly identify what an article is about but they also help Google’s AI to understand the text.
  • This is a quick way to showcase the nature of your work to a future employee.

Also, if you’re thinking that none of this seems specific to a resume for an online job—good! You need a solid foundation for your resume regardless of the job you’re seeking. Most companies use an ATS to manage the recruiting and hiring of team members. One of the features that makes ATS systems so useful is the search functionality. By how to indicate remote work on resume using keyword searches, companies are able to locate qualified candidates quickly. If you don’t have any experience working remotely, highlight independent work that spotlights how you handle yourself with little supervision. In order to be considered by the recruiter, you need to convince them you’re aligned with what they’re seeking.


State that your work was remote and add corresponding accomplishments. By doing so, you subtly hint that your location shouldn’t be the problem for the prospective employer since you excel while working from the home office. In just 10 seconds, our free AI-powered tool will show you how to get 5x more jobs and opportunities on LinkedIn. “No fluff. No noise. Just useful career tips sent in small nuggets so it’s not overwhelming and easy to apply.” – Dave S. Organized remote networking events with 1000+ participants across 3 time zones.

So, your first step needs to be about strategically including keywords that would get through the first screening stage. The ultimate resource for remote work – actionable insights and advice for remote job seekers, employees, and employers. Remote or work from home jobs require remote skills alongside the technical skills needed to do the job. As with any job, you need to tailor your resume to reflect your ability to do the job and that means showing that you can work from home.

Tips for Creating the Perfect Work from Home Resume That Gets You Hired

Yet, if you worked from home not 100% of your time but on Thursdays and Fridays only, the best way to address it is in a job description. Point to accomplishments that include times you’ve gone above and beyond to support a colleague, organized a team-building event, or proactively kept others in the loop. If you’re looking for — or even just open to — remote positions, you can include a line in your resume header that specifies this. Next to your location, simply list that you’re open to remote work.

• It increases your chance of getting hired for a remote role. All else being equal, an employer is likely to hire someone who worked remotely before. If you have prior experience, you don’t need to be explained the protocols and practices of working from home, and you can jump in and work remotly effectively from day one. Even before the coronavirus pandemic, remote work has demonstrated a 44% growth over 5 years. Currently, 88% of companies encourage or require employees to work from home.


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