Ana Sayfa Education 29 Ocak 2021 197 Görüntüleme

Lessons Learned from Migrating Azure CSP Subscriptions Across Multiple Tenants

We are several months on from the date of the RoC, maybe things have changed. The key aspect for any business is how to restore to a normal service operation as quickly as possible. There are 3 key aspects any business needs to prepare for to best respond to a breach.

Microsoft Azure Services Lessons

All of our tutors and IT help desk personnel are available to answer any questions regarding your training or any technical difficulties. In this module, you will learn how to provision an Azure Databricks workspace and cluster, and use them to work with data. This module introduces the fundamentals of Azure VMs, and discusses the different ways in which you can deploy and manage them. Understanding of resilience and disaster recovery, including backup and restore operations. Create an Azure cloud governance plan to advise a manufacturing company of the features available in Azure.

Curriculum of Windows Azure Solutions Development ​Training

We have detected that you are using Internet Explorer to visit this website. As a result, NHS Digital no longer supports any version of Internet Explorer for our web-based products, as it involves considerable extra effort and expense, which cannot be justified from public funds. You should use a modern browser such as Edge, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. If you have difficulty installing or accessing a different browser, contact your IT support team. Please be aware that there are no hidden fees, no sudden exam charges, and no other kind of unexpected payments. All costs will be made very clear before you even attempt to sign up.

This module explains how to create users, domains, and directories in Azure AD, integrate applications with Azure AD and use Multi-Factor Authentication. This module explains how to create, configure, and monitor web apps in Azure. Describe the cross-premises monitoring and management capabilities of Azure, including their architecture and extensibility. Describe the capabilities of cross-premises applications and their design considerations. This module starts with a description of Azure Storage types and their capabilities. It then describes Azure Backup, StorSimple hybrid storage solution, Microsoft SQL Server Stretch Database, Azure Data Factory with Data Management Gateway, and Azure Content Delivery Network. It concludes with a detailed walkthrough of the implementation of Azure Recovery Services agent-based and Microsoft Azure Backup Server-based backups.

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This module describes common architectures for processing big data using Azure tools and services. • Recovery – During recovery, software or configuration updates are applied to the system and services are returned to a full working capacity.

Since 2001 we’ve trained exactly 125,505 students and asked them all to review our Accelerated Learning. Currently, 96.58% have said Firebrand exceeded their expectations. Your training consultant will discuss your background with you to understand if this course is right for you.

Other & Certification

Learning about Microsoft Azure is a good preparation for working in an IT-related job these days. Those interested in an IT career would be wise to learn as much as they can about cloud services and security. Our Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals training is a good place to start. As part of my business offer, I decided to upgrade my project management qualifications to boost my professional CV. Much of my work is focussed on business development and project creation.

  • Only accept an Attestation of Compliance that explicitly refers to the services you’ve purchased.
  • You can see how critical it is that he has the skills to do the job and I know this investment in our people can only generate massive returns for us.
  • Become a trained professional from the safety and comfort of your own home by taking Microsoft Azure Cloud Concepts .
  • Control and audit how your resources are created by using Azure Policy.
  • Other user authentication Azure Active Directory is Microsoft’s multi-tenant cloud based directory and identity management service.

I already had my Prince 2 Foundation and wanted to be able to deliver training on project management techniques. I booked my Practitioner exam with a local college, but felt I needed additional support to prepare me for the exam. Therefore, I contacted My Training Academy to utilise the online e-learning packages available. Bradley and I spoke at length about what I wanted to achieve from the online support and how My Training Academy can support my learning.

Choose the correct cloud monitoring service to address different kinds of business challenges. Choose the best software development process tools and services for a given business scenario. In this module, you’ll take an entry level end-to-end look at Azure and its capabilities, which will provide you with a solid Microsoft Azure Services Lessons foundation for completing the available modules for Azure Fundamentals. However, the more technical knowledge a student has, the more they will understand about the cloud. It starts by introducing the concept of containers and presents different options for implementing containers on Windows and Linux Azure VMs.

Microsoft Azure Services Lessons


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